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Bahai House of Worship Africa

Mashriqu'l-Adhkar "The Dawning Place of the Praise of God"


The House of Worship is opened to visitors. The current days and hours are: 8:00am to 6:30pm everday except Monday when it is closed.

  • Completed in January 1961, the Kampala Baha'i Temple has since received hundreds of visitors.
  • There is a Sunday Service starting at 10:30am. Premises are open daily between 8:00am to 6:30pm except for Monday
  • Suitable attire for a spiritual place of worship is highly recommended.

Africa House of Worship

Some visiting tips

  • The beautiful grounds offers a wide range of photographic opportunities however one is asked to respect the Temple interior and not to take photos within.
  • While the grounds has various spots to sit, relax and meditate, one is kindly ask not to leave any litter behind.
  • For additional information about the House of Worship, please make your enquiries to the Temple Guides.

Africa House of Worship